Liste des articles
1.SALL SN, NGOM F.K., DIAKHATE S. (2020). Controlling plant-parasitic nematodes in sandy soil in the Senegal River Valley using composts based on potentially nematicidal plants. Journal of Applied Biosciences 145: 14892 – 14901.
2.DEMENOIS J, ARNOULT MH, ASSOUMA MH, BLANFORT V, CHENU C, EGLIN T, FALLOT A, CHAPUIS-LARDY L, LAURENT JB, LUTFALLA S, MASSE D, MEDOC JM, NAPOLI A, NDOUR YB, NOUGIER M, POUSSIN JC, ROUPSARD O, TALL L, TORQUEBIAU E, TOUZARD JM, VERGER C. SALL SN (2020). How to expand agricultural innovations to foster soil carbon sequestration ? Inputs from participatory multi-stakeholder workshops in France and Senegal to address the 4 per 1000 Initiative Frontiers In Sustainable Food Systems.
3.GNACADJA C., BERTHOULY-SALAZAR C., SALL SN., ZEKRAOUI L., SABOT F., PEGALEPO E., MANNEH B., VIEIRA-DALODE G., MOREIRA J., SOUMANOU M. M., AZOKPOTA P. ET SIÉ M. (2018). Caractérisation phénotypique et génétique du riz africain (Oryza glaberrima steud) Int. J. Adv. Res. 6(2), 1389-1398.
4.SALL S.N., HIEN E., GUISSE A. (2016). Effets d’application sur le long terme de fertilisants organiques et minéraux sur l’agrégation et les activités microbiennes d’un sol tropical sableux au Burkina Faso. Journal of Applied Biosciences 107: 10371-10380.
5.SALL SN, MASSE D, DIALLO NH, SOW TMB, HIEN E, GUISSE A, (2016). Effects of residue quality and soil mineral N on microbial activities and soil aggregation in a tropical sandy soil in Senegal. Eur. J. of Soil Biol. 75: 62-69.
6. SOUMARE A., SALL S. N., SANON A., CISSOKO M., HAFIDI M., NDOYE I., DUPONNOIS R. (2016). Changes in soil pH, polyphenol content and microbial community mediated by Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 14(3): 1-19
7.FALL D, BAKHOUM N, SALL SN, ZOUBEIROU AM, SYLLA SN, DIOUF D, (2016) Rhizobial Inoculation Increases Soil Microbial Functioning and Gum Arabic Production of 13-Year-Old Senegalia senegal(L.)Britton, Trees in the North Part of Senegal. Front. PlantSci.7:1355.
8.DIALLO-DIAGNE NH, ASSIGBETSE K, SALL SN, MASSE D, BONZI M, NDOYE I, CHOTTE JL, (2016). Response of Soil Microbial Properties to Long-Term Application of Organic and Inorganic Amendments in a Tropical Soil (Saria, Burkina Faso). Open Journal of Soil Science, 6, 21-33.
9.SEYE B., AMINOU A., SALL S.N., NDIAYE A.A. (2016). Déterminants de l’adoption des variétés améliorées de semences certifiées de riz au Benin. J. Rech. Sci. Univ. Lomé (Togo), 2016, Série B, 18(4) : 93-106
10. SALL S.N., NDOUR N.D.Y., DIEDHIOU-SALL S., DICK R., CHOTTE J.L. (2015). Microbial response to salinity stress in a tropical sandy soil amended with native shrub residues or inorganic fertilizer. Journal of Environmental Management, 161 : 30–37
11. DIALLO M.D., GUISSE A., SALL S.N., DICK R.P., ASSIGBETSE K.B., DIENG A.L., CHOTTE J.L. (2015). Influence of tropical leaf litter on nitrogen mineralization and community structure of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. Biotechnol. Agron. Soc. Environ. 19 :173-183
12. NDIENOR M., AUBRY, C., SALL, S. (2014). Déchet urbain-agriculture- environnement (duae): using waste as a resource for agriculture. Acta Hortic. 1021, 263-
270 DOI: 10.17660/ActaHortic.2014.1021.22
ASSIGBETSE, K.B., SALL, S., LUFAFA, A., KIZITO, F., P. DICK, R.P., SAXENA, J., 2013. Crop productivity and Nutrient Dynamics in a Shrub-Based Farming System of the Sahel. Agronomy Journal 105, 1237-1246. DOI:10.2134/agronj2012.0432
14.HAMDI S., MOYANO F., SALL S., BERNOUX M., CHEVALLIER T. (2013). Synthesis analysis of the temperature sensitivity of soil respiration from laboratory studies in relation to incubation methods and soil conditions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 58 : 115–126
15.SOUMARE A., SALL S.N., MANGA G.A., HAFIDI M., NDOYE I., DUPONNOIS R. (2012). Effect of eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and maize (Zea mays) litter on growth, development, mycorrhizal colonization and roots nodulation of Arachis hypogaea. African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 11(93), pp. 15994-16002
16.CHOTTE J-L., DIOUF M.N., ASSIGBETSÉ K. LESUEUR D., RABARY B., SALL S. (2012). Unexpected similar stability of soil microbial CO2 respiration in 20-years manured and in unmanured tropical soils Environmental Chemistry Letters, DOI 10.1007/s10311- 012-0388-9.
17.HERRMANN L., SANON K., ZOUBEIROU A.M. , DIANDA M., SALL S.N., THUITA M, LESUEUR D. (2012). Seasonal changes of bacterial communities in the rhizosphere of Acacia senegal mature trees inoculated with Ensifer strains in Burkina Faso and Niger. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 157: 47-53.
18.FALL D., DIOUF D., ZOUBEIROU A.M., BAKHOUM N., FAYE A., SALL S.N. (2012). Effect of distance and depth on microbial biomass and mineral nitrogen content under Acacia senegal (L.) Willd. trees, Journal of Environmental Management, 95 (S), p. S260- S264.
19.VILLENAVE C. SAJ S. PABLO AL., SALL S., DJIGAL D., CHOTTE JL., BONZI M., (2010). Influence of long-term organic and mineral fertilization on soil nematofauna when growing Sorghum bicolor in Burkina Faso. Biology Fertility of Soils 46: 659-670.
20.DIALLO M.D., GUISSE A. SALL S.N., NDIAYE S.A., BA A.T., CHOTTE JL. (2010). Evaluation in vitro de l’influence de la litière de deux espèces végétales sahéliennes sur le taux de N minéral et la densité des communautés bactériennes nitrifiantes d’un sol ferrugineux tropical. ANN. BOT.AFR. OUEST. 06: 105–119.
21.HAI B., DIALLO N-H, SALL S., HAESLER F., SCHAUSS K., BONZI M., ASSIGBETSE K, CHOTTE JL, MUNCH J. C., SCHLOTER M. (2009).Quantification of key genes steering the microbial nitrogen cycle in the rhizosphere of sorghum cultivars in tropical agroecosystems. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 75 (15), p. 4993-5000.
22.RABARY B., SALL S., LETOURMY P., HUSSON O., RALAMBOFETRA E., MOUSSA N., CHOTTE J.L. (2008). Effect of living mulches or residue amendments on soil microbial properties in direct seeded cropping systems of Madagascar. Applied Soil Ecology 39: 236-243.
23.FRESCHET G.T., MASSE D., HIEN E., SALL S., CHOTTE J.L. (2008). Long-term changes in organic matter and microbial properties resulting from manuring practices in an arid cultivated soil in Burkina Faso. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 123: 175-184.
24.DIALLO M.D., CHOTTE JL., GUISSE A., SALL S. (2008). Influence de la litière foliaire de cinq espèces végétales tropicales sur la croissance du mil (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) et du maïs (Zea mays L.). Sécheresse 19 (3): 207-210.
25.BILGO A., MASSE D., SALL S., G. SERPENTIER G., J-L. CHOTTE JL., HIEN V. (2007). Chemical and microbial properties of semi-arid tropical soils of short-term fallows in Burkina Faso, West Africa, Biology Fertility of Soils 43: 313-320
26. SALL S., BERTRAND I., CHOTTE JL., RECOUS S. (2007). Separate effects of the biochemical quality and N content of crop residues on C and N dynamics in soil. Biology Fertility of Soils 43: 797-804.
27. FAYE A., SALL S., CHOTTE JL., LESUEUR D. (2007). Soil bio-functioning under Acacia nilotica var. tomentosa protected forest along the Senegal River (2007). Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 79:35-44.
28. MASSE D., CAMBIER C., BRAUMAN A., SALL S., ASSIGBETSE K., CHOTTE JL. (2007). MIOR: an individual-based model for simulating the spatial patterns of soil organic matter microbial decomposition. European Journal of Soil Science58: 1127- 1135.
29. SALL S., MASSE D., NDOUR N. Y. B., CHOTTE J.L. (2006). Does cropping modify the decomposition function and the diversity of the soil microbial community of tropical fallow soil? Applied Soil Ecology 31: 221-219.
30. DIALLO M.D, DUPONNOIS R., GUISSE A., SALL S., CHOTTE JL., THIOULOUSE J. (2006). Biological effects of native and exotic plant residues on plant growth, microbial biomass and N avaibility under controlled conditions, European Journal of Soil Biology 42: 238-246.
31. DIALLO M.D., GUISSÉ A., BADIANE A.N., SALL S., CHOTTE JL. (2005). In situ effect of some tropical leaf litters on N Mineralization. Arid Land research and Management 19: 173-181.
32. SALL S., MASSE D., BERNHARD-REVERSAT F., GUISSÉ A., CHOTTE J.L (2003). Microbial activities during the early stage of laboratory decomposition of tropical leaf litters: the effect of interactions between litter quality and exogenous inorganic nitrogen. Biology and Fertility of Soils 39: 103-111.
33. SALL S.N., CHOTTE JL. (2002). Phosphatase and urease activities in tropical sandy soil as affected by soil water-holding capacity and assay conditions. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Vol 33, issue 19+20: 3745-3755.
34. SALL S.N., BRAUMAN A., FALL S., ROULAND C., MIAMBI E., CHOTTE JL. (2002). Variation in the distribution of monosaccharides in soil fractions in the mounds of termites with different feeding habits (Senegal). Biology Fertility of Soils
36: 232-239.
35. FOUNOUNE H., DUPONNOIS R., BÂ A.M., SALL S., BRANGET I., LORQUIN J., NEYRA M., CHOTTE JL. (2002). Mycorrhiza Helper Bacteria stimulate ectomycorrhizal symbiosis of Acacia holosericea with Pisolithus alba. New Phytologist 153: 81-89.
36.DUPONNOIS R., CHOTTE JL., SALL S. CADET P. (2001). The effects of organic amendments on the interactions between a nematophagous fungus Arthrobotrys oligospora and the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne mayaguensis parasitizing tomato plants. Biology and Fertility of Soils 34: 1-6.